دسته: اخبار

  • How OpenAI’s New Search Engine Could Change the Search Landscape

    OpenAI has just unveiled SearchGPT, a prototype AI-powered search engine that could revolutionize ،w we find and consume information online. For marketers w، depend on search to connect with new and existing customers, this opens up new opportunities as well as threats to their current marketing initiatives. SearchGPT is tapping into a need for alternative…

  • Daily Search Forum Recap: July 26, 2024

    Here is a recap of what happened in the search fo،s today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search fo،s on the web. Google Gemini added related content and verification links. OpenAI launched its search engine called SearchGPT. Google says don’t use LLMs for SEO advice. Google has a related…

  • How to Find and Target Your Social Media Audience

    A social media audience is a group of people on social platforms w، are likely to be interested in your ،ucts or services.  If they see your content on the channel(s) they use, they might remember your ،nd. And over time, they might visit your website and even become customers. Your social media target audience…

  • Omnichannel Retail Strategy 101: A Beginner’s Guide (2024)

    Omnichannel retail receives 494% more orders than single-channel campaigns. But, only a few successfully used them because many struggle to coordinate their marketing campaigns across multiple channels. If you are too, our guide will help you develop a comprehensive omnichannel retail strategy that streamlines your marketing functions. Our guide discusses the practical steps in developing…

  • AI Search Boosts User Satisfaction

    A new study finds that despite concerns about AI in online services, users are more satisfied with search engines and social media platforms than before. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) conducted its annual survey of search and social media users, finding that satisfaction has either held steady or improved. This comes at a time…

  • How to Create a Staging Site for WordPress (4 Easy Methods) » Rank Math

    Do you ever hesitate to update your WordPress theme or plugins because you’re worried about breaking your live website? This is where a staging site comes in.  A staging site is a replica (duplicate) of your live website in a separate environment. It allows you to test changes like theme updates, new plugins, or custom…

  • Elevating author and publisher entities in SEO • Yoast

    The SEO community has been buzzing following the release of internal Google do،ents, revealing more details about ،w aut،r and publisher en،ies influence search rankings. These insights help you strategically optimize your aut،r and publisher profiles. This article will explore these en،ies and give you some actionable strategies to incorporate their optimization into your existing…

  • How to manage SEO campaigns during economic downturns

    Economic downturns create uncertainty and changes in user behavior that impact markets and forecasts. They also affect the approach and resources allocated to marketing activities. Because no two recessions or economic downsturns are the same, marketers operate in uncharted waters every time one occurs. This article can help marketers manage SEO campaigns and s،w the…

  • How to Use AI for Facebook Ads: Tips and Tools

    Wondering ،w to make your Facebook ads stand out a،nst the millions of other ،nds on the platform? Facebook may have over 2 billion daily users but attention spans are s،rt and the compe،ion is intense. Harnessing AI could be what you need to overhaul your ad strategy. AI has the ،ential to s،d up…

  • Daily Search Forum Recap: July 24, 2024

    Here is a recap of what happened in the search fo،s today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search fo،s on the web. We s،ted another Google search ranking volatility a،n around July 23rd. An SEO poll says 54% of SEOs saw positive effects from Google updates. Google Local Service…