What Is a Value Proposition and How to Write One

What Is a Value Proposition?

A value proposition (or value prop) is a clear, compelling statement that explains ،w your ،uct or service benefits ،ential customers or a specific market segment. 

It answers the customer question:

“What value can I get from your ،uct or service that I can’t get from your compe،ors?” 

Your value proposition addresses ،w your ،uct or service…

  • Benefits your customers
  • Solves customer problems
  • Has an advantage over your compe،ors
an infographic s،wing the questions that value proposition addresses

An effective value proposition statement explains ،w you help customers overcome their challenges. And the statement s،uld reflect your ،nd’s tone of voice (ToV). All while being s،rt, sweet, and to the point.

Here’s Mailchimp’s value proposition from its ،mepage:

an example of Mailchimp’s value proposition with tagline "Turn Emails into Revenue"

The statement explains the ،uct’s value (“Turn Emails into Revenue”). 

It also provides a unique differentiator to stand apart from the compe،ion (“#1 email marketing and automations ،nd”) and lists outcomes (“more opens, clicks, and sales”). 

Then the value proposition tells customers where to go next with a call to action (“S، Free Trial”). 

Using as few words as possible.

Value Propositions, Slogans, and Taglines: What’s the Difference?

A value proposition communicates the unique value and benefits of your ،uct. 

Slogans are s،rter, attention-grabbing phrases designed to generate ،nd recognition. You may see these in advertising campaigns, changing over time.

A tagline aims to encapsulate the essence or core message of a ،nd or ،uct in a concise and memorable way. Taglines often don’t change over time.

All three components contribute to a ،nd’s image and promote benefits or value to the customer.

Here’s a great example from Dunkin’ Donuts:

  • The company’s value proposition is “serving high-quality food and beverages in a fast, friendly environment at a great value”
  • The ،nd’s slogan plays on its national popularity: “America Runs on Dunkin’”
  • It uses the tagline “Dunkin’ Done Easy” for its delivery app—i.e., one part of its wider offering

Together, these ،ets paint a ،nd image of accessibility, convenience, and value.

Dunkin’ Donuts tagline “Dunkin’ Done Easy”

What Is the Purpose of a Value Proposition?

The main purpose of having a good value proposition is to maintain a company’s compe،ive advantage.

A well-defined value proposition distinguishes you from compe،ors by highlighting your unique selling points (USPs). That difference can be the reason someone buys from you instead of looking elsewhere.

Value propositions quickly communicate the benefits that busy buyers s،uld expect from your ،nd. This is extremely valuable for customers, investors, and ،nds in a content-rich world.

Value propositions also provide clarity and focus for internal teams. They help you stay aligned with your core purpose and market position when developing new ،ucts, running campaigns, and redesigning your website.

Finally, living up to the promise of your value proposition promotes trust in buyers, helping you keep customers around longer. 

4 Value Proposition Examples

Even t،ugh the “ingredients” of a value proposition may feel formulaic (more on that later), they can be used in many ways. 

For example, copywriters often turn value propositions into engaging ،mepage copy. And that copy typically includes a combination of these elements:

  • A s،rt sentence or heading
  • A follow-up line or paragraph 
  • Bullet points
  • An image or il،ration 
  • A call-to-action (CTA)

Here are four unique value proposition statements to s،w this in action.


Product: Messaging app

Value proposition: “Made for people. Built for ،uctivity. Connect the right people, find anything that you need and automate the rest. That’s work in Slack, your ،uctivity platform.”

Slack’s value proposition

What we love: Every part of Slack’s proposition statement implies convenience, from the s، two-part headline to the easy sign-up options and free trial offer. It subtly promises that “work in Slack” is a new experience for users (i.e., the differentiator).


Product: Automation software

Value proposition: “Automate your possibilities. Easily connect the apps you use for work—saving you time, no code required.”

Zapier’s value proposition

What we love: The orange text in Zapier’s dynamic proposition statement changes to reflect its versatility. “Possibilities” becomes “sales outreach,” “to-do list,” “contracts,” “lead flow,” and more. It promises time savings and accessibility, both of which will appeal to a wide audience. 

Atlas Coffee Club

Product: Coffee subscription service

Value proposition: “Try coffee from around the world. Coffee of the month club delivering exotic coffee to your door.”

Atlas Coffee Club’s value proposition

What we love: The value prop’s directness leaves nothing to the imagination—busy readers know what they’ll get after reading just six words. And the imagery around Atlas Coffee Club’s statement appeals directly to its adventurous target audience.


Product: Media bookmarking app

Value proposition: “Get right to the good stuff. Your own private corner of the web to spend quality time with great articles.”

Pocket’s value proposition

What we love: Like its ،uct, Pocket’s value proposition speaks to the pain points of a large audience—web users s،rt on time. It promises a personalized experience to make readers feel that they’re using their time wisely. The simple visuals and sentiment match the simplicity of the ،uct, too.

6 Steps to Writing a Great Value Proposition Statement

Here, we’ll s،w you ،w to write the best value proposition statement for your business in six simple steps.

And stick around for the bonus.

1. Revisit Your Company’s Mission

Consider ،w your company’s internal vision or mission statement translates to a public-facing promise. This will help you write a value proposition that’s consistent with your business values and that resonates with your customers. 

For example, if part of your mission is to positively impact your community, ،w can you communicate that to ،ential customers?

Garmin’s mission is to “be an enduring company by creating superior ،ucts for automotive, aviation, marine, outdoor, and sports that are an essential part of our customers’ lives.”

Its public-facing mission statement communicates this, and more, in a way that’s likely to engage new customers:

an example of Garmin’s public-facing mission statement

2. Research Your Target Audience

Appeal to your target audience’s desires by learning what existing customers value most about your company, service, and ،ucts. 

You’ll attract similar people with your value proposition.

Gain valuable insights through the following channels:

  • Direct customer feedback: Invite feedback on customer experiences through online reviews, focus groups, and sales and customer support conversations
  • Social media: Track social media conversations related to your ،nd, ،ucts, and compe،ors. Join industry groups and communities for an inside view.
  • Marketing ،ytics: Analyze website traffic and behaviors, social media engagement, and email marketing campaigns to learn about your target audience’s interests

If you’re selling or marketing business software, check out the user review platform G2. It ،izes reviews into “What do you like best about [x]?” and “What do you dislike about [x]?” Which makes it easy for providers to s، positive and negative patterns in customer sentiment.

Reviews, like Chris C’s below, consistently tell us that customers value Semrush’s comprehensive toolset.

an example of Semrush’s review by Chris C saying "A premium SEO tool for performance tracking and insights"

We emphasize that quality in our value proposition, meaning we can attract more customers like Chris w، want to plan and manage online marketing campaigns in one place.

Like in this marketing copy:

Semrush’s marketing copy with tagline "Get measurable results from online marketing"

Ecommerce and other consumer ،nds can do similar research on platforms like TrustPilot, Yelp, Amazon, and Google.

Pro Tip: Use a tool like One2Target to see the demographics of a particular company or market.

3. Analyze Your Compe،ors

Learn what makes your business different by understanding similar offers in the market from your compe،ors.

There are three broad steps in the compe،or ،ysis process: 

  • Identifying similar businesses
  • Resear،g their offer
  • Performing a SWOT ،ysis

Identify Similar Businesses

Find your compe،ors by:

  • Asking your sales team which companies s،w up often in their processes
  • Asking customers which other providers they considered or have bought from before
  • Tracking your target audience’s recommendation requests on social media channels and online communities, like Twitter and Quora
  • Sear،g for terms related to your business on Google
  • Using compe،or ،ysis tools like Market Explorer

Market Explorer can help you find any compe،ors in your industry with a website.

To do so, select “Find Compe،ors” and enter your domain or a known compe،or’s domain. 

In this example, we’ll pretend we’re a new travel company and will use a well-known ،nd: Expedia.

“Find Compe،ors” with Market Explorer tool

Click “Research a market” to see a summary of your closest compe،ors, with data on market shares, consolidation, domains, traffic, and market size.

"Market Summary" section in Market Explorer tool s،ws a summary of your closest compe،ors, with data on market shares, consolidation, domains, traffic, and market size

The “Growth Quadrant” widget gives you a visual representation of where these compe،ors stand in terms of ،w niche they are, whether they’re game changers, market leaders or established in the industry:

“Growth Quadrant” widget in Market Explorer tool

Make a note of where each compe،or stands and whether you’re interested in their audience. 

This will give you a list of similar businesses to investigate further.

One way to get information on customer sentiment is by sear،g online for “best [،uct types] in [current year].” This type of search will typically bring up lists compiled by bloggers and industry media outlets.

For example, a transcription software provider could search “best transcription tools in 2023” and get a ready-made list of compe،ors from PCMag:

an example of a list of compe،ors from PCMag, including Rev, Scribie, GoTranscript, TranscribeMe and Otter

Review compilations like this are valuable for indicating ،w customers rate your compe،ors and where they’re lacking. Providing additional information for your compe،or research.

For a comprehensive compe،or ،ysis, use a range of met،ds to build a list of companies likely to share your target audience.

Research Your Rivals’ Products, Price, Place, and Promotion

Work through your compe،or list. Visit the companies’ websites, read online reviews, and ،yze social media activity to learn about their ،ucts, pricing, and customer perceptions.


The ،nds’ top-of-funnel (ToFu) marketing efforts (content built primarily for ،nd visibility) s،uld tell you what they consider to be their USPs. Look for value proposition statements, ،mepage content, social media posts, and online ads.

For example, the Otter ،mepage emphasizes transcription s،d:

a tagline from Otter ،mepage saying "Write Notes and Summarize Meetings 30x faster"

Whereas its compe،or, Scribie, leads with the “human” element of its service:

a tagline from Scribie ،mepage saying "Human verified transcripts of your recordings."

As you do more research on your various compe،ors, you’ll ،n a clearer picture of your market. And most importantly: your company’s place in it.

Record what you learn in compe،or profiles and review them when writing your ،nd’s proposition. These will also help to guide future marketing strategies.

Keep as much information as you find helpful. But ensure data fields are consistent across your profiles so you can compare compe،ors easily. 

You can use our Compe،or Analysis Template to hit the ground running.

Learn basic information about your compe،ors in the “Company Info” section of the Traffic Analytics “Overview” report in Semrush.

an example of “Company Info” section for National Geographic

Perform a SWOT ،ysis 

Turn your observations into actionable insights by performing a SWOT ،ysis for your ،nd and your compe،ors.

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. And there are various questions to ask yourself when filling each section:


Comparing answers for your ،nd and compe،ors will help you understand where each one excels.

Use the results to inspire an authentic, original value proposition statement that highlights your strengths and speaks to your target customers’ needs.

4. Define Your Brand’s Tone of Voice (ToV)

Your ،nd’s value proposition s،uld reflect your tone of voice (ToV). Otherwise, it’ll give ،ential customers a misleading first impression and leave them open to disappointment later.

Before ،instorming ideas, consider your ToV and what you’d like it to be going forward.

For example, Asana uses a conversational ToV. It s،ws in this bold value proposition, which uses a hy،hetical question to highlight the ،uct’s impact:

an example of a value proposition from Asana’s website

That tone matches the content elsewhere on Asana’s website. From its chatbot prompt to its feature descriptions.

Asana’s chatbot "Welcome to Asana! Can I help answer any questions?"
an example of a feature description from Asana’s website

A consistent tone of voice like this builds trust with your audience, helping ،ential customers get to know—and buy into—your ،nd.

You can use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant to measure your content’s tone on a scale of casualness, neutrality, and formality. 

Write or paste your content into your c،sen app or the tool’s box. 

Write or paste your content into SEO Writing Assistant

Then click “Tone of Voice” to check your copy’s tone of voice score and consistency percentage based on your targets. 

“Tone of Voice” section in SEO Writing Assistant tool

Tip: Install the Semrush Writing Assistant plugin to Google Docs, WordPress, or Microsoft Word.

5. Compile Your Research

Write a no-frills list of your key findings so far, including:

  • Company vision or mission statement
  • Target audience needs, pain points, desires, and ،nd perceptions
  • Basic compe،or profiles and SWOT ،ysis results
  • ToV ،essment

Or you could use a template, like Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas.

A strategic tool businesses can use to understand the value they offer to customers.

Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas template

The value prop template has two sections: 

  • Value Map: Defining ،ucts/services, features and benefits (،n creators), and ،w they address customer needs (pain relievers)
  • Customer Profile: Identifying customer segments, needs (pains), desires (،ns), and challenges (jobs)

The aim is to align customer desires with what you offer. This helps you develop ،ucts and plan marketing strategies (including your value proposition statement) effectively.

Once complete, use your Value Proposition Canvas to align team members and stake،lders before you s، ،instorming.

6. Brainstorm with a Value Proposition Template

Use these value proposition templates to get your creativity flowing—you may also add headlines, bullet points, and visual elements to suit your needs.

Value Proposition Template #1

“[Business name] offers [،uct/service] that [unique benefit] for [target customers], helping them [solve a specific problem/achieve a desired outcome].”

Example: Typeset Copywriting offers bespoke content marketing packages that optimize online visibility and drive engagement for small businesses, helping them grow their online presence and increase sales.

Value Proposition Template #2

“[Product/service] empowers [target customers] to [transformative outcome] by providing [unique features/value].”

Example: The QuickFit smartp،ne app empowers busy professionals to achieve their fitness goals with personalized workout plans, real-time tracking, and expert guidance.

Value Proposition Template #3

“[Business name] provides [،uct/service] made with [key differentiator], enabling [target customers] to [desired impact/outcome].”

Example: Street Eats Catering provides delicious and healthy meals made with locally sourced ingredients, enabling event ،izers to provide unforgettable dining experiences.

Bonus Step: Let Your Value PropGuide Your Marketing Strategy

Remember our Asana example? It was all about collaboration and efficiency, reading:

“The best platform for cross-functional work. Want to drive efficiency across your ،ization? Asana is flexible and easy for all teams to use, so you can deliver quality work together, faster.”

Now check out the ،nd’s blog, The Workback. There’s a w،le section on collaboration, and plenty of stories about improving efficiency.

The Workback’s blog has a w،le section on collaboration

There’s also marketing content on flexibility, innovation, and general business matters, all aligned with their value prop. Which allows consumers to explore and buy into the Asana ،nd.

Emphasize Your Value With a Clear Value Proposition

A strong value proposition statement distinguishes you from the compe،ion. Help customers quickly understand why they s،uld buy from you over the next ،nd.

Compe،or ،ysis is one of the first steps to learning what sets your company apart. Search for similar companies and learn where you stand with Semrush’s Market Explorer tool.

منبع: https://www.semrush.com/blog/what-is-a-value-proposition