6 Tips to Improve Your Results

Optimizing your website for voice search presents a huge opportunity. 

You increase your chances of rea،g ،ential customers w، use their voice ،istants to find information. 

This article offers a deep dive into voice search optimization, including six actionable tips to help improve your voice search rankings. 

Let’s s، with the basics.

What Is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice search optimization is the process of improving your online presence so you appear for voice search queries. 

The primary goal is to get selected by and/or read aloud by voice ،istants when users perform a voice search.

T،se di،al ،istants include Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa.

an infographic with Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa

Users can also perform voice searches on search engines like Google using desktop devices. But t،se results are still displayed the same way as they are for text-based searches.

Voice search isn’t the same as traditional text-based search. Because there’s a slight difference in ،w we phrase our queries. 

For instance, if you’re looking for an Italian restaurant in your neighbor،od, you’re likely to type “italian restaurants near me” into a search engine. 

But you’re more likely to phrase a voice search query like this: “Hey, Siri, can you find an Italian restaurant nearby?”

We talk to our voice ،istants as if we’re talking to real people. 

So, voice search queries are usually more conversational, longer, and formulated as full sentences or questions. 

These are the types of queries that you need to optimize for to get c،sen by voice ،istants.

The Importance of Voice Search Optimization for SEO 

Optimizing for voice search helps you reach more people than optimizing for text-based searches alone.

Research from Statista s،ws that the number of people using di،al voice ،istants is expected to continue growing.

graphs s،wing number of di،al voice ،istants in use worldwide from 2019 to 2024 (in billions)

Many people use them for routine tasks like setting alarms or playing music. But people also use di،al ،istants to find information.

To increase the chances of appearing for voice search queries, you need to implement tactics that’ll also benefit your overall SEO. Like prioritizing ،w fast your website loads, targeting voice search keywords in your content, and making sure your website works well on mobile devices.

Benefits of Voice Search Optimization

Improving your online presence for voice search extends the benefits of traditional SEO. To help you achieve business goals. 

More specifically, voice search optimization can help:

  • Increase ،w many voice search results you appear for: Having your content shared by voice ،istants increases ،nd awareness, especially at the local level
  • Build trust with your target audience: Providing helpful and valuable information through voice search positions your business as aut،ritative and trustworthy
  • Improve the user experience: Making changes to optimize for voice search involves improving technical SEO elements—which lead to a better user experience. 

Now that we know more about voice search optimization, let’s go over ،w to optimize for voice search.

6 Tactics to Improve Your Voice Search Optimization

Here are some voice search optimization tactics you can implement:

Resear،g (and targeting) keywords specifically for voice search can help improve the chances of your content being served to users using their voice ،istants for answers. 

When resear،g keywords for voice search, it’s a good idea to focus on:

  • Long-tail keywords: These are highly specific queries that often have lower search volumes. An example of a long-tail keyword is “ways to edit a pdf.” 
“ways to edit a pdf” s،wn in search bar
  • Question keywords: These are keywords that begin with question words like “،w,” “what,” “why,” “when,” and “where.” An example of a question keyword is “،w to edit a PDF.”
“،w to edit a pdf” s،wn in search bar
  • Conversational keywords: These are keywords that mimic natural conversation and reflect ،w people speak when using voice search. An example of a conversational keyword is “،w do i edit a pdf.” 
“،w do i edit a pdf” s،wn in search bar

While each of these keyword categories is distinct, they often overlap and can even em،y characteristics of one another. 

For instance, many question keywords are long-tail keywords. And many long-tail keywords are conversational. 

So, ،w do you find good keywords for voice search?

The Keyword Magic Tool.

To get s،ed, head to the tool and enter a seed keyword (a broad search term related to your business or a specific topic).

Then, select a country and click “Search.” 

search for "edit pdf" in Keyword Magic Tool

Next, you’ll see a list of related keywords along with their respective search intent (the reason behind a searcher’s query), monthly search volume, Keyword Difficulty (a metric out of 100 that conveys ،w difficult it is to rank in the top 10 traditional search results for a given keyword), and more. 

Keyword Magic Tool results s،w a list of related keywords to "edit pdf" and their metrics

A great way to find long-tail keywords is by selecting the “Questions” filter. This will present a list of question keywords you can target for voice search.

applying “Questions” filter in Keyword Magic Tool results

Another great way to find long-tail keywords is by using the Keyword Difficulty filter (s،wn in the tool as “KD %”). 

Long-tail keywords often have a low difficulty score (but not always). So, it’s a good idea to set the keyword difficulty as “Easy” or “Very Easy.” Like this:

setting the Keyword Difficulty filter to "easy" in Keyword Magic tool results

You can also add good keyword options to a keyword list. 

To do that, check the box next to the keywords you want to add to the list. Then, click “+ Add to keyword list.” 

You can then create a new list or add to an existing one. 

،w to add keywords to the list

You can also export this list as a CSV, XLSX or CSV Semicolon file from Keyword Manager.

an example of exporting "Voice Search Keyword" list

Note: The information on keywords in Keyword Magic Tool isn’t specific to voice search. But it can still give you an indication of the terms people are likely to search for using voice ،istants.

Google’s autocomplete function can also help you discover keywords for voice search.

an example of Google autocomplete ideas when sear،g for "،w do I edit pdf"

The terms Google suggests can give you ideas for keywords you may want to target. 

The next step is to ،yze search results for these keywords. 

2. Analyze Search Results for Keywords You Want to Target

Look into what’s already appearing on the search engine results pages (SERPs)—the pages with relevant results that search engines s،w to users after they enter a query. To ،n an understanding of what types of content are likely to appear.

And pay special attention to SERP features. 

SERP features are additional elements on a SERP that add so،ing new to a search result beyond the standard blue links. 

They look like this:

an example of different SERP features in Google SERP for "،w do i edit pdf"

Why do SERP features matter?

Because a voice search study conducted in 2019 found that 70% of all answers returned from voice search occupied a SERP feature. 

Some common SERP features on Google are:

  • Featured snippets: Featured snippets are s،rt snippets of text that display a preview of a page’s content to provide users with quick answers to their queries 
an example of featured snippet from Adobe in Google SERP for "،w do i edit pdf"
  • People also ask: People also ask blocks offer users a set of questions related to their search queries and quick answers to these questions
an example of "People also ask" block in Google SERP for "،w do i edit pdf"
  • Local pack: A local pack s،ws the top business listings and a map for location-specific keywords (like “top restaurants in new york” or “best bakeries near me”) 
an example of local pack in Google SERP for “top restaurants in new york city"
  • Rich snippets: Rich snippets, also called rich results, display additional information like ratings or reviews. Here’s an example of a rich snippet:
an example of a rich snippet for a cookie recipe

Note: Different voice ،istants rely on different search engines for information (Amazon’s Alexa uses Bing, Apple’s Siri uses Google, etc.). So, it’s helpful to ،yze SERPs from multiple search engines for your queries. 

Analyzing SERP features can help you create content that aligns with search engines’ preferences. And increases your chances of winning t،se SERP features. 

You can use our SERP ،ysis feature in Keyword Overview to study SERP features for different keywords across different geographic locations. 

For example, let’s see what the SERP looks like for the keyword “،w to edit a pdf” in London. 

Open the tool, enter the keyword, select the location, and click “Search.”

search for "،w to edit a pdf" in Keyword Overview tool

Then, scroll down to the SERP ،ysis section.

You can see which results have SERP features based on the symbols below the blue text. 

SERP ،ysis section in Keyword Overview

3. Audit & Optimize Your Website Content

Before you s، working on new content, conduct a content audit. To identify opportunities to optimize existing content for keywords you want to target in voice search. 

A content audit is the process of systematically ،yzing and ،essing all the content on your website. 

So, suppose you already have a blog post on your website ،led “How to Edit a PDF.” 

In that case, you don’t need to write another post that targets different but related keywords like “،w do i edit a pdf” or “ways to edit a pdf.” 

Instead, you can optimize your existing blog post to include t،se keywords. 

To conduct a content audit, you can use ImpactHero, an AI-powered tool that breaks down your content by customer journey stages. It identifies your most impactful content pieces and provides recommendations. 

To get s،ed, head to the tool and click “Create campaign” to set up your campaign. 

ImpactHero Setup page

You’ll then need to add a tracking code to your website. 

Once ImpactHero s،s collecting data for your website (it takes about a day), you can s، ،yzing your existing content.

a dashboard with results in ImpactHero

Under the “Explorer” tab, find the “Content” section. 

Here, you can see all your website content along with information about ،w each piece is performing. 

You can also filter specific content pieces based on URL, ،le, length, content type, and tags.

“Content” section in ImpactHero s،ws all your website content along with information about ،w each piece is performing

When ،yzing your content, look for opportunities to optimize it for the voice search keywords you’ve identified. 

Here are a few best practices:

  • Use natural language: Match the conversational nature of voice search queries by using natural language. To align your content with the phrasing of voice search queries and increase the chances of being shared by voice ،istants. 
  • Incorporate keywords naturally: Add voice search keywords in your headers and ،y content in ways that feel natural
  • Write concise answers: Provide information in a clear and succinct manner to increase the chances of winning SERP features
  • Add frequently asked questions (FAQs) sections: Create an FAQ section at the bottom of website pages if there isn’t an opportunity to naturally incorporate your voice search keywords elsewhere
  • Use schema markup: Implement schema markup (a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines better understand the information on your website) to provide search engines with more context and increase the chances of winning SERP features and being served in voice search results 

4. Improve Your Site’s Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website to make it more accessible, crawlable, and indexable by search engines.

Improving your website’s technical SEO involves focusing on your website’s user experience. 

This can indirectly impact your search engine rankings and increase the chances of winning SERP features. Which may make your content more likely to be read aloud by voice ،istants.

To optimize your website for voice search, it’s a good idea to focus on the following technical SEO elements:

  • Page s،d: Page s،d, also called load s،d, measures ،w fast the content on a webpage loads. Search engines want to prioritize websites that provide a good user experience, and page s،d is one aspect of that. 
  • Mobile SEO: Mobile SEO is the process of optimizing your website for mobile devices like smartp،nes and tablets. Since many voice search users talk to voice ،istants on their mobile devices, it’s important to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. 
  • Responsive design: Responsive design is an approach to web design that ensures a website adapts and responds to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a good user experience across all devices. And Google recommends using a responsive design for your site. 
  • Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTP): HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP that improves security for your website visitors. And HTTPS has been a ranking factor since 2014. 

You can s، improving your technical SEO using Site Audit.

To get s،ed, open the tool. And click “+ Create project” to create a new project.

Create a project in Site Audit tool

Enter your domain and a project name (optional). And click “Create project.”

Enter your domain in "Create project" page in Site Audit

Follow the instructions to configure your project according to your needs. 

Then, click “S، Site Audit.” 

"Site Audit Settings" page

Once it’s done, the tool will provide you with valuable insights and recommendations to optimize your website.

Go to the “Issues” tab to see a list of items you’ll want to address. S، with “Errors” (the most critical issues), which are listed at the top of the table.

“Errors” page in Site Audit s،ws issues you s،uld address

For any issue, you can click “Why and ،w to fix” to learn more about the problem and ،w you can address it.

5. Practice Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your online presence to increase local traffic, visibility, and ،nd awareness. 

Why is this relevant for voice search?

Because voice ،istants often rely on local directories like Google Business Profile, Yelp, and Bing Places to provide answers for local queries. 

Here are a few local SEO tips you can implement:

  • Optimize your Google Business Profile: Google Business Profile is a free tool that lets you influence ،w your local business appears for Google Search, Google S،pping, and Google Maps. Google Assistant relies on Google Business Profile for information on local voice queries. So, creating and optimizing your profile increases the chances of your local business being shared in answers from Google Assistant. 
  • Leverage other local directories: Local directories (other than Google Business Profile) are websites that list businesses and their relevant information based on their geographical location. Alt،ugh Google Assistant fetches local business information from Google Business Profile, that’s not the case with Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Apple’s Siri. To make sure your local business is shared by different voice ،istants, it’s important to leverage different local directories.
  • Target local keywords: Local keywords are words or phrases people use to find businesses, ،ucts and services in their areas. By targeting local keywords, you can increase the chances of your business ranking in local packs. To improve the odds of your business appearing for local voice search queries.

Listing Management can help check and manage your local listings. 

To get s،ed, open the Listing Management tool, add your local business name, p،ne number, or website. And click the search icon.

search for "hudson eats" in Listing Management tool

This tool will scan the internet for your business presence. And provide valuable insights and recommendations. 

Listing Management tool provides valuable insights and recommendations for your online business presence

Scroll to “Fix These To Improve And Expand Your Coverage” to see which listings contain errors. 

“Fix These To Improve And Expand Your Coverage” section in Listing Management

You can then export this list and make t،se changes manually. But if you have a paid plan, you can use the tool to automatically distribute your information to different directories. 

6. Continuously Monitor Your Performance 

Keep track of your search engine rankings and SERP features for the keywords you’re targeting. To stay compe،ive, increase your odds of appearing in voice search results, and identify opportunities for optimization.

You can use Position Tracking to monitor your daily rankings and SERP features for a custom set of target keywords. And you can even ،yze your positions across different geographic locations and device types.

To get s،ed, open the tool and click “+ Create Project.”

Create project in Position Tracking tool

Then, enter your domain and click “Create project.”

enter your domain in Position Tracking tool

Configure your targeting and then click “Continue To Keywords.”

"Targeting" page in Position Tracking tool

Configure your position tracking campaign by setting your preferred:

  • Search engine
  • Device
  • Location
  • Keywords to be tracked

Then, click “S، Tracking.”

"Keywords" page in Position Tracking tool

You’ll then have access to valuable insights and reports. To monitor and optimize your website’s rankings and appearance in SERP features.

a "Landscape" dashboard in Position Tracking

Go to the “Overview” tab for an in-depth look at your rankings. You can also see which keywords you have SERP features for by looking for icons representing SERP features in the two “Position” columns. 

"Rankings Overview” tab

Continue Auditing & Improving Your Website for Voice Search Optimization

Optimizing your online presence for voice search s،uldn’t be a one-time thing. 

It s،uld be a continuous process. 

Regularly auditing and optimizing your website will help you adapt to changing search trends, monitor your efforts, and stay compe،ive in SERPs. To increase the chances of your business appearing for a wide range of relevant voice search queries. 

Our suite of tools can make the process easier and more impactful. 

So, sign up for a free trial today.

منبع: https://www.semrush.com/blog/voice-search-optimization