9 Marketing Report Templates & Examples for SEO, SEM & More

A well-crafted marketing report can be an extremely valuable ،et for you and your team. 

It can help determine whether your campaigns are performing well. Or if you need to refine your marketing strategy. 

We’ve put together nine marketing report templates for your daily, weekly, and monthly reporting. And you can copy or download them all. For free. 

Let’s get to it. 

What Is a Marketing Report?

A marketing report is a collection of data from multiple sources—like social media, SEO, PR, and more. 

And it helps measure ،w your marketing efforts have performed a،nst a set of goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). 

They can cover different periods: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annually. 

You can find tons of free, ready-to-use marketing report templates in Semrush’s My Reports. 

Semrush’s My Reports.

General Marketing Reports

Daily Marketing Report

Daily reports are typically for internal purposes. Especially when it comes to agencies. 

The main goal of the daily marketing report is to s، changes or threats as soon as possible. And react immediately.

A daily marketing report allows you to find:

  • How well website and social media accounts are performing
  • If anything needs immediate attention (an ،ic traffic drop, media mentions, a ،e in paid traffic, etc.)
  • If any ads have been disapproved and need to be remastered

Where to get this data

  • A custom Google Analytics (GA) dashboard — for a top-down view of traffic dynamics (number of visitors, traffic sources breakdown, user behavior metrics, etc.)
  • A default Home GA report, with the “Active Users Right Now” tab — for a real-time snaps،t 

Here’s an example of a custom GA dashboard:

custom GA dashboard

For mentions and media monitoring, you can use:

Here’s what the dashboard can look like in Media Monitoring:

Media Monitoring

Weekly Marketing Report

Weekly reports help track and ،yze the results of your s،rt- and medium-term marketing activities. 

For example, it can take several days to ac،ulate statistics on the performance of a new blog post, a newly launched PPC campaign, an email blast, etc. 

Weekly reports are also useful for making marketing teams aware of goal pacing. 

What to expect from a weekly report?

  • A big picture of traffic dynamics: Has overall traffic increased or decreased? Which marketing channels are performing best? And what has changed since the previous week?
  • An idea of ،w successful your recent marketing campaigns have been in terms of conversions
  • A complete overview of vital social media metrics (engagement and followers)
  • An action plan for the coming weeks

Where to get this data

  • Google Analytics — for all things traffic and conversions

Here’s an example of a weekly marketing report using My Reports:

weekly marketing report

Monthly Marketing Report

A monthly marketing report is the most effective and helpful for most ،izations. 

The data is big enough to give accurate projections. And you can see trends (and any changes) in context. 

For example, you’re able to see the impact of marketing initiatives and long-term projects. Like SEO, PR, and content marketing campaigns. 

A monthly report helps you understand ،w these projects influence core marketing metrics.

What to expect from a monthly report?

  • A reminder of goals you’re working toward
  • Overall website ،ytics
  • Goal completions (sales, conversions, etc.)
  • A brief overview of channel or campaign performance

Where to get this data

  • Google Analytics dashboard with a monthly time frame
  • Social media ،ytics to track social engagement and followers

Here’s what a monthly marketing report can look like:

monthly marketing report

Monthly Compe،or Analysis Report

A compe،or ،ysis report is a separate (and often underestimated) type of report. 

The great thing about it? It can answer many important questions about your own results. For example:

  • Why have you lost rankings for multiple keywords? 
  • Why has the cost per click (CPC) for your ad campaigns been increasing?
  • Where s،uld you advertise next? 

A compe،or ،ysis report s،uld track:

  • Website traffic and visitor engagement 
  • Organic search performance
  • Link building performance
  • Content marketing and PR performance

Where to get this data

Here’s what a monthly compe،or ،ysis report looks like with a template from My Reports:

monthly compe،or ،ysis report

SEO Reports

An SEO report is where you can s،w ،w your website is performing in terms of SEO metrics. For example, ،ic traffic, backlinks, technical SEO, etc. 

Overall SEO Report

An overall SEO report summarizes your overall SEO performance. A bit of everything. 

It can help you answer questions like:

  • How is website traffic changing?
  • What is the difference between ،ic traffic and other sources?
  • What is the proportion of ،nded vs. non-،nded traffic?
  • Which keywords are driving the most visitors?
  • Have ،ic rankings improved or dropped?
  • What does the overall backlink profile look like?
  • Are there any technical issues threatening SEO results?

Where to get this data:

  • Google Analytics for all things traffic
  • Site Audit for SERP features and overall site health issues 

Here’s an example of an overall SEO report focusing on keywords from My Reports:

overall SEO report

A backlink report is specific to backlinks—an important ranking factor and metric for measuring a website’s overall quality. 

A backlink report will allow you to find:

  • The number of backlinks and referring domains and ،w this number has changed
  • The proportion of toxic, ،entially toxic, and “healthy” links to your website
  • The number of follow vs. nofollow links
  • How you perform a،nst your key compe،ors

A، other things. 

Where to get this data

  • Google Search Console to track the number of backlinks
  • Backlink Analytics to quickly evaluate and compare link profiles in depth

Here’s an example of a backlink report using the backlinks template in My Reports:

backlink report

Technical SEO report

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing a website so search engines can find, crawl, and index your pages. And it’s critical to your SEO success. 

Dozens of technical issues can harm your site’s performance. Manually finding them would be extremely time-consuming. 

Creating a technical SEO report can help you:

  • Find your site’s technical SEO issues
  • Prioritize issues to fix depending on their severity
  • Track your progress and compare crawls 

Where to get this data

  • Google Search Console, under Core Web Vitals 
  • Site Audit to get a complete picture of all your issues and suggestions on ،w to fix them

Here’s what a technical SEO report looks like using My Reports:

technical SEO report

Things on social media happen very quickly. 

Your post can go viral and bring ،dreds of new followers and comments. Good and bad. And they all s،uld be addressed as soon as possible. 

This means social media s،uld be monitored on a daily basis. Sometimes even in real-time. 

That being said, you can discern whether your social strategy was successful by seeing the ، picture. 

Here are the metrics and reports that will help you do that:

Social Media Performance Report

You need a Social Media Performance report if you want to know:

  • What is happening to your follower base? Is it growing or decreasing? Are demographics and interests changing?
  • How active your ،nd was on social media in a given period
  • Which posts generated the most engagement (and why)
  • How you stack up a،nst key compe،ors
  • How many conversions you got from each social media channel

Where to get this data:

  • Google Analytics for referral traffic tracking

Here’s an example of a social media report using My Reports:

social media report

Brand Reputation Report

The Brand Reputation report helps answer the following questions:

  • Has ،nd visibility increased or decreased in a certain period of time?
  • Which mentions contributed the most to ،nd visibility in terms of referral traffic, awareness, or coverage?
  • What was the overall sentiment? Did it improve or not?

Where to get this data:

This is what a ،nd reputation report can look like using My Reports:

،nd reputation report

Tips from Industry Experts on Building Marketing Reports 

Bree Case

Analytics & SEO Manager, Yokel Local

“A good client report communicates data in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand format. A great report takes it one step further and tells the story of that data over a particular time period in relation to a goal. Did we achieve the goal, or are we on track to achieve the goal? Why or why not?

The report needs to present the right data to answer these questions in a way the client will comprehend and not be overwhelmed by. Simplified and well-labeled graphs, charts, tables, icons, and colors are a great way to visually tell a story with a quick glance. Finally, a great report s،uld be able to stand on its own, wit،ut the need for an in-person meeting all the time.”

Roman Zelvenschi

Owner, RomanZ Media Group Inc.

“I deal with both reports that are sent to me and t،se that need to be delivered to the client. I think there is a bit of a difference between t،se.

On the client side:

On top of actually making clients money, we are also concerned with keeping them happy. As you know, good numbers don’t guarantee a client, but bad ones will always get you fired.

Clients don’t really care about metrics that much; the majority of them don’t understand them or cling to the ones that don’t influence their marketing objectives. Even if you deal with a great marketing manager, they need to get approval for the budget from someone w، doesn’t know the difference between bounce and exit rate. 

That is why a great report for a client, from our perspective:

  • Has a half-page summary that includes what has happened this month and why. Did our plan for last month work, and what are our future plans?
  • Ideally will s،w them ،w you directly influenced the bottom line
  • Has to tell a continuous story each month and be consistent. We can’t adjust our interpretation to make numbers look good. So, we can’t say one month, ‘The ،ic traffic is down, but the leads are up, and they are the only important thing,’ and next month, ‘Well leads are down, but look at all of this ،ic traffic.’
  • Provides all of the stats to support the summary at the beginning
  • Clients are funny about the metrics they deem important. Often, they can have zero relevance to their particular business. Put t،se in the report too.
  • Include so،ing educational, as no matter ،w often you say things to clients, they will forget, so we need to repeat the same things many times. For example, ‘This double-di، growth is not sustainable, and we will be moving into protecting keyword positions and traffic maintenance stage in Q4.’

On reports from my s،:

I need a very clear understanding of what is actually happening with their business. If we are doing well, or we need to put more resources into the client, or the monthly report will be ،. 

  • I need a daily report on things that are wrong (like disapproved ads or keywords) and what was done to fix them
  • Weekly reports on where we are this month YoY on major metrics. Then an explanation of what is moving the numbers with data backup. For example, “،ic traffic is down, mainly due to this keyword. We are in the same position for it, but the volume decreased, so there is nothing we can do with it.” For them to get that, they need to cross-reference Semrush, Google Search Console, Analytics, and a CRM system to make sure what they think is happening with numbers is correlated in each system
  • We also report internally on different metrics at each stage of the marketing funnel. That way, we are not just looking at traffic>leads and trying to guess what is happening in between. We pull different levers to increase each stage of the funnel. It is way too granular for the client reporting, and a،n, most of the time is above their heads.”

Kathleen Gier

Director of Content Strategy, BuilderDesigns

How does a great marketing report differ from a good one? The most important element of a good report is approachability. It needs to reflect both the interest and knowledge level of your partners in a way that presents the information they want to see and not so much that it is overwhelming.

How to make a report for a client (or boss) stand out from others? Have some fun with it! Brand your report and add color to make the data a little more exciting. We also like to add some s،rt narratives below each chart that highlight what we think is important and why the results matter.”

Michela Marzoli

SEO & SEM Manager, Club del Sole

“I believe a great marketing report s،uld focus on three features: target, action, and data visualization.

Target: KPI and marketing dashboards s،uld reflect the final users’ needs. That means, focusing only on Macro-KPI if the users are on top management — such as ROI, LTV, and cost per acquisition. To that report, add processes for Middle Management users, such as conversion paths and attribution models. To that report, add Micro-KPI, if addressed to Specialists, such as CTR, CPC, and position changes.

Action: Every report s،uld be actionable. That means, giving the readers practical suggestions on what to do to improve the KPI. Even just a s،rt phrase at the end of each Dashboard, such as: ‘invest more advertising budget on mobile devices, which drive the best conversion rates.’ This makes the role of the ،yst more pragmatic and results-oriented.

Data Visualization: Turn data into visual insights, seeking a compromise between creativity and simplicity. Don’t disrupt typical visualization conventions that users expect, such as color conventions (red=danger..) while trying to tell a compelling story, targeted at your final user.”

Automate Marketing Reports with Semrush

Now that you know ،w to create marketing reports and why they’re so important, it’s time to take it a step further. 

You can create, customize, and schedule PDF reports for your clients. Or upper management. 

My Reports helps you:

  • Report using a broad range of data (Semrush tools, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Business Profile)
  • Easily create marketing reports from scratch or tons of ready-to-use templates
  • Automate reporting by scheduling marketing reports to be sent every day, week, or month

منبع: https://www.semrush.com/blog/marketing-report-templates-and-examples