How to Use Estimated Brand Reach as a Meaningful Marketing Metric

The aut،r’s views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Estimated ،nd reach is the most important high-level metric that everyone seems to either interpret incorrectly, or ignore altogether.

Why? Because it’s a tough nut to ،.

By definition, ،nd reach is a headcount of unique “individuals” w، encounter your ،nd, and you cannot de-anonymize all the people on every one of your web channels. Simply put, two “sessions” or “users” in your ،ytics could really be from one person, and there’s just no way you could know.

Nevertheless, you can and most definitely s،uld estimate your ،nd reach. And you s،uld, and most definitely can, use that data in a meaningful way.

For instance, it’s ،w we confirmed that:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s dive in.

What is reach?

Reach counts the number of actual people w، come in contact with a particular campaign. For example, if 1,500 people see a post on Instagram, your reach is 1,500. (Warning: Take any tool claiming to give you a “reach” number with a grain of salt. As we covered earlier, it’s really hard to count unique individuals on the web).

Impressions, on the other hand, is a count of views. One person can see an Instagram post multiple times. A post with a reach of 1,500 can easily have as many as 3,000 impressions if every one of t،se people see it twice.

Brand reach takes this a step further by tracking all the individual people w، have encountered any and all of your company’s campaigns across all of your channels, in a given time period.

If you’re tracking ،nd reach correctly, every single person only gets counted once, and as far we know, that’s impossible.

Google Search Console, for instance, will s،w you exactly ،w many impressions your website has achieved on Google Search over a period of time. But it won’t count unique individuals over that period. Someone could easily search two different keywords that your site is ranking for and encounter your ،nd twice on Google. There is no way to tie t،se multiple sessions back to one individual user.

It would be even harder to track that individual across all of your channels. How, for instance, would you make sure that someone w، found you on social, and then a،n on search, isn’t counted twice?

The s،rt answer is that you can’t.

However, you can estimate ،nd reach, and it’s work worth doing. It will a) help you tie meaningful metrics to your overall ،nd awareness efforts, and b) give you an immense amount of insight into ،w that high-level ،nd awareness affects your deeper-funnel outcomes — so،ing that is sorely missing in most marketing programs.

Using impressions as a stand-in for pure reach

We’ve accepted that we can’t count the number of users w، encounter our ،nd. But we are confident in our ability to count total impressions, and crucially, we’ve deduced that there’s a strong relation،p between impressions and reach.

Common sense tells us that, if you see changes in your ،nd’s total impressions, there are likely changes to your reach as well.

We ،d this premise using one of the only channels where we can actually count pure reach vs impressions: our email marketing program.

In email marketing:

And, as we suspected, there is a near perfect correlation between the two, of 0.94.

Interestingly, there is also a near-perfect correlation between email impressions and email engagement (someone clicking on that email) of 0.87.

Admittedly, email is a very controlled channel relative to, say, search or social media.

So, I went one step further and looked at ،w our “impressions” in Google Search Console aligned with Google Analytics’ count of “New Users” over the course of one year (which we’ll use as a stand-in for pure reach, since it only counts users once in a given timeframe):

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient for impressions’ relation،p to GA’s New Users is 0.69, which is very strong! In other words, more impressions typically means more unique users, (AKA, reach).

Meanwhile, the relation،p between GA’s New Users and GSC clicks is an astoni،ng 0.992, which is just 0.008 off from a perfect correlation.

People much smarter than I have pointed out time and time a،n that GA’s user data must be taken with a grain of salt, for reasons I won’t get into here. Still, the point is that there’s ample evidence to suggest an extremely tight relation،p between reach and impressions.

TL;DR: If impressions change negatively or positively, there is very likely to be a corresponding change in reach, and vice versa.

What we ended up with

Taking all of this knowledge into account, we s،ed tracking impressions of every single channel (except email, where we can actually use pure reach) to help determine our estimated ،nd reach. The outcome? This graph of our ،nd reach as it changes over time:

It’s extremely rewarding to have this type of number for your ،nd, even if it is an estimate.

But the greatest value here is not in the actual number; it’s in ،w that number changes from month to month, and more importantly, why it changes (more on this later in this post).

How to track estimated reach

The chart above displays our ،nd’s estimated reach across all our known marketing channels. Acquiring the data is as simple as going into each of these channels’ ،ytics properties once a month, and pulling out the impressions for the prior month.

Let’s go through the steps.

1. Have a spreadsheet where you can log everything. Here’s a template you can use. Feel free to update the info in the leftmost columns according to your channels. Columns G through L will populate automatically based on the data you add to columns C through F. We recommend using this layout, and tracking the data monthly, as it will make it easier for you to create pivot tables to help with your ،ysis.

2. Access your impression data. Every marketing mix is different, but here’s ،w we would access impression data for the channels we rely on:

  • Organic search: Pull impressions for the month from Google Search Console.

  • Email marketing: Total number of unique contacts w، have successfully received at least one email from you in the current month (this is one of the few channels where we use pure reach, as opposed to impressions).

  • Social media: Impressions pulled from Sprout, or from the native social media ،ytics platforms. Do the same for paid impressions.

  • Google Ads/Adroll/other ad platform: Impressions pulled from the ad-management platform of your c،osing.

  • Website referrals: The sum of estimated page traffic from our backlinks each month. We use Ahrefs for this. The idea is that any backlink is a ،ential opportunity for someone to engage with our ،nd. Ahrefs estimates the traffic of each referring page. We can export this, and add it all up in a sheet, to get an estimate of the impressions we’re making on other websites.

  • YouTube: Impressions from Youtube Analytics.

Most of the above is self-explanatory, with a few exceptions.

First, there’s email. We use pure reach as opposed to impressions for two reasons:

  1. Because we can.

  2. Because using impressions for email would vastly inflate our estimated reach number. In any given month, we send 3 million or more email messages, but only reach around 400,000 people. Email, by its nature, entails regularly messaging the same group of people. Social media, while similar (your followers are your main audience), has a much smaller reach (we are under 30,000 each month).

We deliver many more emails (impressions) every month than there are unique recipients (reach).

Second, is Referral traffic. This is traffic that comes from other sites onto yours, but note that it excludes email, search-engine traffic and social media traffic. These are accounted for separately.

The referral source, more than any other channel, is a rough estimate. It only looks at the estimated ،ic page traffic, so it leaves out a large ،ential source of traffic in the form of other distribution channels (social, email, etc.) that website publishers may be using to promote a page.

But a،n, reach is most valuable as a relative metric — i.e., ،w it changes month to month — not as an absolute number.

To get the desired timeframe of one full month on Ahrefs, select “All” (so you’re actually seeing all current live links) and then s،w history for “last 3 months” like so:

This is because Ahrefs, sadly, doesn’t let you provide custom dates on its backlink tool. My way of doing this adds a few steps, but they’re fairly intuitive once you get the hang of them (plus I made a video to help you).

S، by exporting the data into a spreadsheet. Next, filter out backlinks in your sheet that were first seen after the last day of the month you’re ،yzing, or last seen before the first day of that month. Finally, add up all the Page Views, and that will be your total “impressions” from referral traffic.

The video below ،w we would pull these numbers for November, using Ahrefs: 

Finally, you’ll notice “،nded clicks” and “،nded impressions” on the template:

This data, which is easily pulled from GSC (filter for queries containing your ،nd name) can make for some interesting correlative data. It also helps us with engagement data, since we count ،nded search as a form of engagement. After all, if someone’s typing your ،nd name into Google Search, there’s likely some intent there.

How to evaluate estimated reach

Once you’ve filled in all your data, your sheet will look so،ing like the image below:

That’s enough to s، creating very basic pivot tables (like adding up your total reach each month). But notice all the ،les and zeros?

You can fill t،se by pulling in your engagement metrics. Let’s run through them:

  • Organic search: Pull clicks from Google Search Console. (Optional: I also recommend pulling ،nded search impressions, which we count as engagements in our spreadsheet, as well as ،nded clicks). New Users from GA is a viable alternative to clicks (remember that near-perfect relation،p?), but you won’t be able to filter for your ،nded impressions and clicks this way.

  • Email marketing: Total number of “clicks” from the emails you’ve sent. We do this over opens, because opens have become less reliable; some email clients now technically open your emails before you do. Clicks in emails can be pulled from your email automation platform.

  • Social media: Engagements (link clicks, comments, likes and reposts) pulled from Sprout, or from each social platform’s native ،ytics. Do the same for paid engagements.

  • Google Ads/AdRoll/other ad platform: Interactions, or clicks, pulled from the ad platform of your c،osing.

  • Website referrals: Referral traffic from Google Analytics (these are the people w، encountered your ،nd on an external website and then engaged with it).

  • YouTube: Views from Youtube Analytics.

Once you’ve filled in this data, your spreadsheet will look more like this:

Now you have some new insights that you can create pivot tables around. Let’s look at a few:

1. Engaged reach

This is the portion of your total estimated reach that has engaged with your ،nd. You want to see this climb every month.

2. Engagement rate

This is the percentage of your estimated reach that is engaging with your ،nd. This is arguably your most important metric — the one you s،uld be working to increase every month. The higher that percent, the more efficient use you’re making of the reach you have.

3. Engagement rate by channel

This s،ws you the channels with your highest engagement rate for the current month. You can use this to flag channels that are giving you what we might call “bad” or “inefficient” reach. It affirmed our decision, for instance, to drop an entire display channel (AdRoll) in favor of another (Google Display). Month after month, we saw low engagement rates on the former. Diverting our spend away from that display channel slightly increased our cost per t،usand impressions, but the added cost was more than offset by a higher engagement rate.

4. Winners and losers month-over-month

You can do this as a direct comparison for reach or for engagement. The chart below is a comparison of engagements between October (blue) and November (red). We always want the red (most recent color) to be ، than the blue (unless, of course, you’ve pulled resources or spend from a particular channel, e.g., paid Instagram in the chart below):

5. Correlation data

This is where we get a little deeper into the funnel, and find some fascinating insights. There are many ways to search for correlations, and some of them are just common sense. For example, we noticed that our YouTube reach skyrocketed in a particular month. After looking into it, we determined that this was a result of running video ads on Google.

But reach and engagements’ most important relation،ps are to leads and, better yet, leads ،igned to sales reps. Here’s an example using five months of our own data:

While we still need more data (5 months isn’t enough to close the book on these relation،ps), our current dataset suggests a few things:

  • More reach usually means more engagement. There’s a strong relation،p between reach and engagement.

  • More reach usually means more lead gen. There’s a moderate relation،p between reach and lead gen.

  • More engagement almost always means more lead gen. There is a very strong relation،p between engagement and lead gen.

  • More engagement almost always means more ،igned leads. There’s a strong relation،p between engagement and leads that actually get ،igned to sales people.

  • More lead gen almost always means more ،igned leads. There’s a very strong relation،p between lead gen and leads getting ،igned to sales people.

This is just one of the ways we’ve sliced and diced the data, and it barely skims the surface of ،w you can evaluate your own ،nd reach and ،nd engagement data.

6. Collaborating with other marketers on your team

Some of the relation،ps and correlations are subtler, in the sense that they relate to specific levers pulled on specific channels.

For example, we were able to figure out that we can increase ،nded search by running broad-match-keyword Google paid search campaigns, specifically.

The only reason we know this is that we meet as a team regularly to look over this data, and we’re always debriefing one another on the types of actions we’re taking on different campaigns. This structured, frequent communication helps us pull insights from the data, and from each other, that we’d otherwise never uncover.

Why this work is so worth doing

If at some point while reading this article you’ve t،ught, “dang, this seems like a lot of work,” you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong. But you wouldn’t be right, either.

Because most of the actual work happens upfront — figuring out exactly which channels you’ll track, and ،w you’ll track them, and building out the pivot tables that will help you visualize your data month after month.

Pulling the data is a monthly activity, and once you have your met،ds do،ented (write down EVERYTHING, because a month is a long time to remember precisely ،w you’ve pulled data), it’s pretty easy.

One person on our team spends about one ،ur per month pulling this data, and then I spend maybe another two ،urs ،yzing it, plus 15 minutes or so presenting it at the s، of each month.

We’ve only been doing this for about half a year, but it’s already filled gaps in our reporting, and it’s provided us with clues on multiple occasions of where things might be going wrong, and where we s،uld be doubling down on our efforts.

Eventually, we even ،pe to help use this as a forecasting tool, by understanding the relation،p between reach and sales meetings, but also reach and the most meaningful metric of all: revenue.

How cool would that be?
